~If The Moon Fell Down Tonight, Dear Juliet~
So much has been happening, and yet I still feel like I am not accomplishing anything. But right now, I am completely happy with that.
Katie and I have been hanging out a lot since she got back. I have also been downtown on campus. We also visited Judy a couple times.
I love everyone at Judy's house. I lived there for a while last summer, and they took care of me better than I could have ever asked for. I love talking to Jude, and her twin brother, and messing with him. He is straight, but I like to act really gay towards him. It's all in good fun, and maybe I would do something with him, if he was ever curious. I don't see that happening. I love Judes big sister, and her niece. And her dad has always been awesome to me.
Katie and I went downtown and signed up for a form of health insurance called the Genesee Health Plan. Basically it covers doctor visits, with about 3 dollar co-pay. It also works with x-rays. Kind of awesome, now we have at least a way to see a doctor without digging our young selves further and further into debt. Thank you school loans, and other such things.
I have been really thinking about some boy things lately, and I do not really think that I am making any leadway in my mind. I mean, I really like someone, and in a message correspondence I initiated they informed me they also liked me. But he is still on the road, and will be for a long time, so there is one complication. And I will NOT ask him to leave something he loves. That would make me a douchebag to the extreme. I am not down with that. So I guess while he is gone I have no idea what to do. I have not wanted to get laid since he replied to my message, I guess I just want to be around him.
He made/makes me smile.
He makes me laugh.
His smile.
I hope he wears my christmas gifts, even if it is just every once in a while.
I wear mine.
I am going to wait right now, but if the chance for someone to keep me warm while he is away comes up, I might take it.
I want to wait though too.
Oh choices.
I'm only human.
I miss....a lot.....
Joanna, one of my bestest bestest friends posted this video on my wall, and I pretty much fell in love with this song. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.
That song is aahhhhhmazing!!!!! And babe, don't worry too much about your future. If something comes along, don't pass it up. After all, we only live once;)